Bayou Sorrel, Louisiana

July 01, 2012  •  1 Comment

Bayou Sorrel lies in the heart of the Atchafalaya Basin in southern Louisiana. The basin is the largest refuge for wetland birds in the country and home to some spectacular bald cypress trees. On June 24, 2012, my brother and I went with our guide, Dean Wilson into the swamps to experience the beauty and grandeur of this bayou.


No alligators revealed themselves but herons and egrets stood gracefully posing as we slid by in our small boat. Dean is invested in preserving the old cypress trees from poachers who cut them down for mulch. It has become a problem and thanks to people like this who keep public awareness at the forefront of his protective fight, the native stand like the one pictured above will be safe for the future.


When the motor was turned off and we sat drifting, large birds flew in the distance, beyond my lens, seeking a fresh fishing spot or hoping to catch a crawfish for dinner. There were other small craft with people fishing in some of the nearby channels, but Dean called this one a 'natural 'bayou and for whatever reason, we found ourselves alone here. I couldn't have been happier.


The time was too short and the sky free of clouds, a detail I could do nothing about at the time. Others can be content with what they capture at the instant the shutter clicks, but as for me, I refuse to let limitations such as time and nature encircle me. Who knows. On another day at another time, this might be exactly what Bayou Sorrel looks like.


I really owe you one. Thanks for staying late. Next time you need help, I’ve got it.
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